Doodle or Poodle? - Pick your perfect pup.



It’s hard to believe Goldendoodles have only been around (officially) since the 1990s. Originally created by combining the Golden Retriever and Poodle, this designer hybrid is now found in many different “generations” and comes in a variety of sizes and colors. Goldendoodles have quickly become one of the most sought after dog breeds in the United States. Here are some reasons why:

Coat: Goldendoodles have a thinner hair follicle, but lots of hair. This results in coats that are wavy and fluffy. They are especially popular among people with allergies, because, with proper breeding and coat-testing, Goldendoodles shed far less than other breeds. Here at Honeystone, we DNA test to ensure non-shed coats. The lack of shedding means these dogs are less likely to trigger allergic reactions or symptoms. **JUST REMEMBER: The Goldendoodle’s no-shed goodness means that regular GROOMING is absolutely required for the dog’s health and comfort.

Brains & Personality: Goldendoodles are loving and gentle dogs by nature. They are also extremely sociable, making them perfect for life as a family pet or best friend & companion. In puppyhood, Goldendoodles can be little balls of energy, and are so smart that they can become easily bored. They require consistent, structured training to help them learn boundaries. However, they are keenly intelligent and have a strong desire to please, which makes them great learners and excellent candidates for work as therapy and service dogs.

Good-Looks: Yeah, yeah - we know that looks aren’t as important as health and intelligence, but - we can’t deny that Goldendoodles, with their sweet expressions, cute curls, and well-balanced bodies, are appealing to lots of dog-lovers.

Here at Honeystone, we breed both Standard and Mini sized Goldendoodles. Whenever possible we breed multigens, which means both parent dogs are Goldendoodles. We feel that multigen breeding results in pups with consistent size, coats, and appearance. We also breed F1b and higher generation pups.

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Standard Poodle

A quality Standard Poodle is about as perfect as a dog can be. We know the world is doodle-obsessed right now, and of course, we love them, too. However, we strongly encourage people to consider a Standard Poodle. They are too often overlooked and entirely misjudged. (Seriously, Poodles need to get a better PR person...because they are awesome.) Here are a few reasons why they are pretty much the super heroes of the dog world:

Loyal Guardians: Poodles are without rival for being loyal and affectionate to “their” people. They are protective but not aggressive. As a watch dog, a Poodle keeps a close eye out for strangers, and will alert you if something is amiss.

Elite Athletes: Renown for being among the smartest and most easily-trained dogs in the world, people are often surprised at how athletic and playful Poodles are. Typically excellent water dogs - they love being out on the boat, swimming in the pool, or just running through the sprinklers.

Versatility: We believe one of the best aspects of Poodles is their innate ability to switch from “outside” to “inside” energy, and to meet the needs of their people. Poodles can hike, hunt, work and chase a ball for hours while outdoors. But, inside the house, they are calm, quiet, and very graceful - perfectly content to hang around and watch you cook dinner, or curl up at your feet as you watch TV or read. For centuries, Poodles were bred to be highly intuitive and responsive hunting dogs. Hunters want dogs who can be easily corrected with a whisper, not a shout. So, Poodles respond best to calm, assertive correction. Poodles also tend to bond well other pets and are gentle and patient with children.

**Of course, Poodles have a much desired non-shed, low-allergen coat that requires regular grooming.

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Half Old English Sheepdog, half Standard Poodle, the Sheepadoodle is one of the most charming dog breeds in existence. Sheepadoodles are cheerful, happy souls. They are still relatively rare, but growing more popular with every litter. Many people have fallen in love with a Sheepadoodle at first sight. It’s easy to understand their appeal:

That Face: Sheepadoodles have a somewhat broad, square face, domed head, round eyes, big button nose, and adorable low-hanging ears. They are, for lack of a better word, entirely smushable. This is a dog made for hugging.

That Fluff : Sheepadoodles are different from most other doodles because both the Old English Sheepdog and the Poodle have non-shed, low allergen coats. That means a true 50/50 Sheepadoodle (also called an F1) results in a dog with a beautiful, fluffy, slightly wavy coat that sheds very little, or not at all. ***Like all doodles, Sheepadoodles require regular grooming.

Happy Hearted: These dogs have very sunny dispositions. They are big-hearted and love to be part of the action. Born with lots of exuberance, and a natural tendency to herd everything that moves, Sheepadoodles require healthy socialization and training from an assertive-but-positive leader. They are good with other pets, and are often protective towards them. People with young children should be aware that herding and nipping (not biting) can occur with Sheepadoodle puppies - but it is a behavior that can be corrected and is usually outgrown. A well-bred and well-raised Sheepadoodle will mature to be a very attentive, loving dog who keeps a close eye on family and home, but is not aggressive. For pure personality and devotion, a Sheepadoodle is an excellent choice.